Anthony Corbin

Quite a bit has happened since high school and JED.  I will be graduating from Neumont in September and getting married in October and starting work at Google in November.  My contract working at React games will also end when I finish college and my name will be on a shipped game title,  “Super Dungeon Bros.”

I have had multiple generous job offers, had my groups featured in multiple marketing campaigns for our project work, and I will be featured in interviews and marketing campaigns for my tutoring and for going to Google.

I have had amazing opportunities supplied to me from Neumont that were only revealed from communication skills that JED helped develop.  Networking at GDC (Game Developer Conference) was quite similar to the networking sessions at JED.  GDC lead to one job offer and multiple connections into various companies.

Entering into this new bright chapter of my life, I have had the opportunity to reflect and be thankful for everything that lead me to where I am now.  I hope that I will have an opportunity to give back and help JED in the future.

Thank you for everything,
Anthony Corbin


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