“Setting People and Organizations Up for Success”
To provide leadership training and development for Leaders of Student Organizations so they become more effective in their role.
Leaders of Student Organizations or students who have shown leadership abilities.
The program is designed to enhance the skills of middle and high students in order that they will focus and effectively move their organizations forward and be peer role models in their school and the community. It is imperative to offer student leaders the opportunity to gain the knowledge necessary to lead student organizations and leader role models. Student organizations success greatly impacts the overall quality of student life in their schools. Student organizations are the training ground for future corporate and community leaders. The program will provide information on topics that will help student leaders gain an in depth understanding of how to effectively position student organizations and themselves for success.
The training for student leaders will take place in a one-day session and will cover the topics listed below.
- Understanding Leadership Styles and identifying your own
- Officers Training, understanding your roles and responsibilities
- Team Building for organizational success
- Running an Effective Meeting
- Program Planning, Development, and Evaluation
- Reference Guide/Binder
- Online Resource Room (Library)