Let’s Increase High School Graduation Rates for Our Young Men

As schools across American will be opening in a few weeks we MUST as a community plan to work together to improve the high school graduation rate for Black boys and young men. I am call on us ALL for BOLD Actions – “PARENTS”

  1. Talk with your son(s) and set High Expectations. Only the best grades and conduct will be accepted.
  2. Establish rules and have them written down (typed) and posted in his room and on the refrigerator door .These rules include, cleaning his room, helping around the house, interactions with brothers and sisters , etc..
  3. Discuss how to Make Right Choices. Do not follow the crowd..Do What if RIGHT…ALL the TIME!!!
  4. Review with him his home work each day
  5. Visit your son’s school and meet with his teaches to open the lines of communications. Give them your cell number.
  6. Praise him when is does well in school, around the house, in sports, etc. LIFT him UP!!!
  7. Tell him you LOVE him EACH DAY!

This for all boys from Pre-K through High School.

These BOLD Actions applies to all of us who work with and interact with our Boys and Young Men. Join us and become a BOLD Game Changer.


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