What’s Really Needed for Change?
I have decided that I will become a vocal and active BOLD GAME CHANGER (Black-man Orientated to Leadership Development) of our boys. As I look at the many issues our boys and young men face we should be OUTRAGED!
On Monday January 10, 2015, we celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On that day there were marches, speeches, church services, big meal functions, TV and radio talk shows. All these events were well deserved in honor and memory of man and a leader who by his actions forced the change in laws and in many cases the minds and hearts of people who looked at African-Americans as less than other Caucasian Americans. I too celebrated with people of all races, sexual orientation, religions, ages etc. in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio.
As I celebrated and remembered Dr. King’s Day this year looked at the boys who were in the March and those who were with their parent(s)/ grandparent(s) or those who were with a youth group, who had assembled, to hear former National President of the NAACP Julian Bond speak, I thought what must I do to help our boys and young men to be the best they can be.
My Pastor Keith Troy of the New Salem Missionary Baptist Church on one Sunday morning in his message stated and I paraphrase ” if change is to occur in our communities and the issues are to be addresses, then those of us with influence, connections, etc. must get involved and take action and do not be afraid”. That message HIT HOME with me and on Dr. Luther King Day, I reflected on me; Carter Devon Womack and what I must do differently to work on my Passion and Life’s Purpose. My Passion and Purpose is to work with African-American and Latino boys and young men in the area of Leadership and Life Skills Development. We must reach them, love them, teach them, guide and support them so they can be the best they can be.
I have decided that I will become a vocal and active BOLD GAME CHANGER (Black-man Orientated to Leadership Development) of our boys. As I look at the many issues our boys and young men face we should be OUTRAGED!
When we peruse the detention rates in schools, boys in jail, homeless, and the statistic that is so very shocking to me are the graduation rates from high school. If you have not read the most recent Schott Foundation for Public Education’s biennial report you MUST and get OUTRAGED and join me as a BOLD GAME CHANGER. The report reveals 52% of Black males and 58% of Latino males national average graduation rate from high school in four years, while 78% of White, non-Latino males graduate in four years. The shocking thing is as I spent hours reviewing the report, it seemed we are okay with the low graduation rates or we brag when there is a 1% positive change. When you read the report, you’ll learn Rochester, NY has a 09% rate, Cleveland OH, Jackson, MS and New York City 28%, and my home city Columbus, OH 41%.
It is time to become a BOLD GAME CHANGER, be a Black-man or woman Oriented to Leadership Development of our boys or a Black-man or woman Outraged to Leadership Development of them. I am calling on you to be BOLD, to be a leader in our community with our boys and young men. Please spend time to read this report, then think about the impact we can have on college enrollment, employment for our boys, enrolling in the military, or their involvement in anything positive.
Connect with me as BOLD GAME CHANGER at www.LeadershipAIB.com